Ministry and My Kids?

I love being with my family; I absolutely love it! Are our children perfect? Just spend a day in the Ross home as we fuss, yell, whine, and cry; your ideal social media family will be shattered. There are occasions our sinfulness is on full display, and Joy and I want to go on a parenting sabbatical. But we still love being with and investing in our children; we live for it! 

Over the years, I have made it a priority to include my children in my ministry. Our children have participated in local and global mission trips, joined in making hospital visits, traveled to preaching and speaking events, spent time at the office, and several other ministry activities. We were committed to leveraging our ministry and having focused intentionality in leading our children. 

Investing in your children if you are a pastor or in ministry can be a tricky undertaking. The demands of ministry at times seem insurmountable; inserting your children could feel overwhelming and unwise. But let me encourage you if God has called you to shepherd the flock, do not forfeit the opportunity to include your children in your ministry; ministry and family can intersect in a healthy way. 

I am making Two assumptions:

1. Everyone has common sense and will use it when taking their kids:) Are there times you should not include your children? Yes. I would never take my kids into conflict, counseling, abuse, or tragedies.

2. You will make it "worthwhile." I was going to use the word "fun," but praying over someone who has terminal cancer is not fun; however, it can be a teachable moment. If you are Big Chief "No Fun" and make everything over the top serious, don't take your kids.

4 REasons for Involving your kids in ministry:

You are modeling a love for your kids.

Involving your children in ministry models that you love them. Ministers should be doing ministry, enough of this, I cannot neglect my family as an excuse for being lazy. If God called you to ministry, he called you to unexpected hours, unplanned meetings, and challenging people; it is part of the call. Ministry will and has to happen. Be intentional; when possible, take your children with you every chance you can. They will love spending time with you, and you will model love for them. Involving your children in ministry is a declaration of your love and commitment to them.

You are teaching them discipline.

"My kids would never act right if I took them with me?" That statement deserves a complete response in a later post. Nevertheless, it is the calling of a pastor to manage his household well; your children should be able to participate in ministry at an appropriate age level. What does this look like practically? Being disciplined enough to sit in someone's home or a hospital room for thirty minutes while you minister, visit and pray. Don't throw your hands up and give up because you are afraid of how your children may act and what people might think, be patient and instructive, help your kids grow in discipline as you minister together.

You are modeling the towel and basin - servanthood.

Could there be a better picture to shape the minds and hearts of your children than Christlike servanthood? Jesus himself tells us he did not come to be served, but to serve. When we include our children in ministry and service, they see us model Christ's mission and character. In a world defined by selfishness, every opportunity to do ministry with your children is a chance to cultivate selflessness. Modeling servanthood is a testimony of a kingdom citizen; manifest this to your children as your serve and minister together. 

You are encouraging them in the faith.

Allowing your children to participate in ministry encourages them in their faith journey. Whenever my children are allowed to pray, serve, or share, it is an opportunity for them to own their faith. As I model servant leadership through ministry, I am informally discipling my children to do the same when I am not around. Over the years, I have seen first hand how involving my children in ministry has played a part in their conversion and growth as a Christian.

Don't waste your ministry and don't waste your parenting; leverage God's call in your life and share it with your children for their good and God's glory.


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