Practical lessons in a personal context
Intentional · Relational · Reproducible · Fruitful
There are more disciple-making resources than ever before, yet we are making fewer disciples? If we are serious about obeying the commands of Jesus in the Great Commission, we cannot treat disciple-making like a great suggestion. This workshop has a flexible schedule that can be done in a day or over a weekend in four one hour sessions with breaks in between sessions. Participants will self evaluate their discipleship journey, current disciple-making effectiveness, examine the biblical model of discipleship, and begin working to strategically initiate pathways for disciple-making in their context.
Gospel Centered marriage
You will never be satisfied in marriage if you not willing to be sanctified in marriage.
Healthy marriages don’t just happen; couples must invest in the covenant commitment they made before God, family, and friends. The Gospel-Centered Marriage Conference can be hosted over a weekend or in a day. Participants will engage in an interactive four-session workshop covering marriage and the gospel, the witness of marriage and family, and needs in marriage. The sessions are one hour each with breaks in between sessions. Couples will not only hear a biblical worldview for marriage; they will have opportunities to pray for each other, self-evaluate, and work together in making action steps for the future. We encourage the host to provide child-care for this event.
Gospel Centered Parenting
Shape · Sharpen · Send
Parenting in the 21st century is a daunting task; we all need encouragement and insight as we seek to shape, sharpen, and send out children for God's glory. The Parenting/Family workshop can take place in a day or over a weekend. Participants will engage in four sessions covering the gospel and parenting, parenting with a biblical worldview, discipleship at home, and parenting essentials. Each session is an hour in length, with breaks in between sessions.
Biblical Hospitality
Hospitality is taking the initiative to help saints and strangers go from unknown to known, by opening up our homes and lives for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God.
What if one of the most effective means of making disciples was as close as our home? In the Bible, we see hospitality as an attribute of God and an ethic of the early church. To be the faithful witness we see in scripture, we must practice hospitality. The Biblical Hospitality Workshop can take place over a day or a weekend. Participants will engage in four sessions covering biblical hospitality in the Old and New Testament, biblical hospitality and the gospel, biblical hospitality challenges, and practices. After the workshops, participants will have a foundation for biblical hospitality and action steps for engaging their community.
Gospel Life Plan
Love · Lead · Live
Rory Vaden says, “There is no such thing as time management, only self-management.” The Gospel Life Plan Workshop can be hosted in a day or over a weekend. This workshop is a resource for individuals and families to find their identity in Christ, realize the importance of self-management and planning, and set measurable goals as they seek to love God, lead well, and live the gospel. Participants will engage in four one hour sessions covering biblical identity, planning, goal setting, and implementation of the Gospel Life Plan resources. After the workshop, participants will be challenged not to waste their life as they live with gospel intentionality.
Residency Builder
Do you have an intentional pathway to discover, develop, and deploy members into missionaries?
A Multiplying Church discovers, develops, and deploys church planting teams from within. Having an intentional pathway to discover, develop, and deploy church planting teams is essential if we are serious about obeying the commands of Jesus in the Great Commission. This workshop has a flexible schedule that can be done in a day and is for staff and leadership who are serious about becoming a Multiplying Church. Participants will engage in three one-hour sessions covering self-evaluating your church planting history and forming a biblical definition for church planting, creating a pathway for discovering, developing, and deploying church planting teams and what it means to be a sending church.
Biblical Manhood
The effects of toxic masculinity and abuse have damaged the witness of manhood in our world; we must do better. Christ is our blueprint for biblical manhood; in Christ, we see the example of what it means to be lamblike and lionhearted. The Biblical Manhood Workshop can take place over a day or weekend. Participants will engage in three one-hour sessions that examine biblical manhood, axioms for manhood, and manhood manifestations.